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ANNOUNCEMENTS > Kevin Casey Remarks

20 Apr 2009

At the recent PAR conference in Harrisburg, Mr. Kevin Casey, Deputy Secretary for the DPW Office of Developmental Programs, provided opening remarks at one of the workshops directed at ODP Fiscal Policy, which was primarily run by Joseph Church, ODP.

Mr. Casey highlighted the following:

  • Revenue reconciliation:  This is in place for two years, and its purpose is to "keep providers whole."

  • There will be gross adjustment policy if you have cash flow problems in the first quarter.  They will release more information at the end of the month.  Providers are encouraged to bill more than once per month.  If you need help with billing in PROMISe, the time to call ODP for help is NOW.

  • Stimulus money:  The increase in FMAP percentages is a means to get dollars quickly to State government.  It is not intended for new services, but rather it is meant to replace state money that was reduced due to the economy. 

  • Governor's Budget:  The ODP Budget is "relatively safe."

  • Transportation:  Written clarification regarding the service definition for transportation services is forthcoming.  The provider is responsible to see that transportation is provided, but the provider does not have to provide the transporation service itself.  Providers may continue to use options they have been using, such as public transportation.