16 Aug 2013
On August 15, 2013, ODP's Futures Planning Team released several documents for stakeholder review and feedback. ODP requests feedback on these documents from now until September 6, 2013. The following team objectives were addressed via action plan templates:
Objective 1. Each person's budget is based upon assessed needs, and the individual will know and be able to control the services within their budget.
Objective 2. Review and revise qualifications so that people will be supported by professionals who are appropriately qualified and trained to their individual needs, including a focus on people with complex physical or behavioral health needs.
Objective 3. Define a process to support creation of and funding for new, better, reduced-cost ways to provide services.
Objective 4. Integrate flexible models of service that can support people's changing needs in their home communities, including supporting people through a physical or behavioral health crisis. The meaning of this objective lies in the need to establish not only "safety nets" for those in crisis, (either physical or behavioral), but a flexible and fluid system of supports for individuals providing crisis stabilization and prevention, as well as support to individuals in acheiving and sustaining their best level of independence, and to insure that in futures planning considerations, the "system" is prepared to offer innovative and flexible cross system services and supports and lifetime case management by working with a variety of stakeholders; other public agencies, providers, clinicians, schools, families, law enforcement, hospitals, and the community at large, to name a few, through all phases of one's life.
Objective 5. Determine the best and simplest system to manage services to improve outcomes.
Objective 6. Use data to establish measures of high quality mangement structures to drive continual systems improvement and system change.
Objective 7. Develop design options for a pilot program for managed care of developmental disability services.
The new documents posted outline each objective's action plan in 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, 9 month, and 12 month action steps.
In order to review these documents in detail and respond to them, please visit the ODP Futures website at www.odpconsulting.net/odp-futures-planning.