17 Aug 2017
ODP previously announced that the cost reports that have been required for Consolidated and PFDS Waiver programs since FY 2007-2008 were to be discontinued. The cost reports have been used to set cost report based rates, beginning with FY 2009-2010 rate setting. In FY 2012-2013, ODP moved the residential ineligible rates to the fee schedule, and effective January 1, 2018 residential eligible rates will be moved to the fee schedule, so the cost reports are no longer needed for rate setting purposes.
ODP also previously stated that while the cost reports were being discontinued, they would replace it with something simpler to continue to gather cost data.
In recent months, ODP announced that there would be an "annual cost survey" focusing on the collection of wage and benefit data.
More recently, ODP presented sample pages of the "cost survey/report" (they are not sure what it is going to be called) which included a certification page, benefits page, and staffing pages. It is not clear how much more information will be collected. The "cost survey/report" will be a mandatory requirement for all providers. Based on Q and A, it is anticipated that one report will be filed per agency, including all residential and nonresidential services. It will likely be due around the end of October (although requests were made for a later date in the first year.) The first report will be for FY 2016-2017. There will not be a desk review and approval process as existed in the past.
Watch for more information as ODP prepares to release the form and instructions in the next few weeks.