30 Aug 2018
The ODP ICF/ID quarterly Task Force meeting was held on Wednesday, August 29 at Temple University, Harrisburg.
Kevin Dressler introduced and ran the meeting. He mentioned that Nancy Thaler's retirement is August 31, and Kristen Ahrens would be taking over as Acting Deputy Secretary for ODP. He expects a seamless transition.
There were two presentations regarding Incident Management, one by Temple (Kyla and Lisa) and one by ODP (Jeanine Hart)
- A new Incident Management Bulletin has been in the works for 4 years and will be coming out soon.
- The bulletin will align with the proposed Chapter 6100 regulations
- More investigations will be required
- It will probably be a Class II bulletin (clarification of regulations) and there may also be a Class III bulletin for ICF/ID (Statement of Policy)
- It was recommended to review OIG audits (they said they would provide the link)
- It was recommended to review the Administrative Review Process Manual and the Peer Review Manual
- Addiitional assistance will be available through Temple University
- Keep watching the "myODP" website for update information
- It was recommended to review the Certified Investigators Manual a, the October 2017 NASSDDS Health and Welfare Review, and the HHS Jonit Report Ensuring Beneficiary Health and Safety in Group Homes.
- Jeanine Hart's powerpoint was not provided at the meeting, but they said they would send it.
Kevin Dressler reported that Nancy Thaler and Dr. Cherpes had traveled throughout the state speaking about the "Fatal Four" (sometimes "Fatal Five") and that Dr. Cherpes will address this at the forthcoming November 16 2018 Task Force Meeting.
- Dehydration
- Aspiration
- Seizures
- Bowel Obstruction
The forthcoming "Financial Risk Management Process" was briefly discussed by Rick Smith. ODP is still working out the details, but they need to start the process soon, because they have been receiving findings for noncompliance with the Uniform Guidance of 2014. Both program staff and fiscal staff will participate, and it will likely lean more to the financial side. Ten providers will be reviewed each year, possibly all on site, or possibly a mix of onsite and desk review.
Orlando Hernandez provided breif updates regarding the Department of Health role as the survey agency. He emphasized the importance of timinig for Plans of Correction, so that it does not interfere with the timing of your certification process. He emphasized that he is unbiased regarding ICF conversions, but reminded that ICF is an entitlement program and no one can tell you that you "have to go." He commented that the Federal Look Behinds still continue, sometimes with a different name, but the activy is low. Also note that Orlando's office moved from the Kline Plaza to 555 Walnut Street, Harrisburg.
Pam Gilbert/ODP reviewed the cost reports changes for FY 2018-19.
Steve Evitts/ODP provided fiscal updates, stating that they have made a lot of progress since the last meeting, and that they do expect to complete FY 17-18 rate setting by the end of September 2018. They will review cost reports for the remainder of the calendar year, and plan to be "on schedule" to review the FY 18-19 waiver requests in January, 2019. There was discussion about extending the deadline to December, reviewing/approving wage increase requests sooner, and the need for budget submissions when prior year funding levels have not yet been established.
Updated note: ODP is planning to issue revised budget and instructions in the next few weeks.
Rick Smith reported that the Consolidated cost report proposal is not possible, due to the regulations.
Rick Smith reported that they think they will be able to grant a "blanket waiver" of the $500 depreciation threshhold.
Angela Fortney provided a process on how to convert from ICF to Consolidated Waiver, with emphasis on beginning the discussions and planning 18 months in advance. She said five providers are converting 123 beds in FY 2018-2019. She stated that they can approve conversions up to 8 beds, but anything above that, they would have to look at and consider. She also stated that they cannot convert any homes that are on a campus or next to another program.
Kevin Dressler said if you are not on the mailing list for ICF/ID, send an email to Corinna to get on the list.
Sheila Theadora said a few things are coming up in the fall for everyone to watch for...Residential survey, best practices, invitations to engage with ODP, Counties, etc. A discussion ensued regarding the need to be able to hire and retain staff in order to address those things.
The following handouts were provided:
- Consolidated Cost Report Update
- Cost Report Changes for FY 2017-18
- ICF Conversions to Consolidated Waiver, process and format
- Incident Management Revisions
- ICF/ID Rate setting status
Next meeting is Friday, November 16. Dolorez Franz is and Dr. Cherpes are on the agenda.
Contact marilyn@aztacinc.com if you would like any of the handouts.
Contact mahaschert@aztacinc.com if you have any questions about these notes.